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Baby Gift

What you will do with baby gift? Yes, you need a baby gift when you want to visit your family, neighboard, friend who have special event such as delivery, children's birthday party and others.

You will think about personalized and unique baby gifts, Simply choose your unique baby gifts with a baby gift card, package baby gifts in the gift box according to what kind of event do you have.

Baby Name

Are you looking for baby names? We will try to help you to get baby girl names, baby boy names, popular names, meaning names, origin names, favorite baby names, ethnic names and pet names.

These are some of popular baby girl names : Elizabeth, Isabella, Jessica, Megan, Olivia, Sarah, Alexis, Samantha, Elena, Abigail, Elya, Maharani, Dian, Santi, Fatma, Fatimah, Balqis, Marina.

These are some of popular baby boy names : Jacob, Michael, Christopher, Andrew, Hugo, Joseph, Nicholas, Anthony, Matthew, Jayden, Fernando, Alex, Sahril, Roni, Yusuf, Muhammad, Yacob, Iqbal, Firdaus, Zulfikri.

Still you can't decide your baby name? Ok, here you can search and find more baby name for your baby.

Help Your Baby Growing-Up

Brain and cognitive development in the baby are very active in the early years. Your baby will change more during his/her first 2 years than at any other time, developing from a helpless newborn to a walking, talking child with a personality of his own. A newborn baby's brain is only about 25% of its adult weight. By age 3, the brain triples in size by producing billion of cell and trillions ons that help your baby see, hear, move, think and feel. All that growth depends on excellent nutrition. Your baby's brain and cognitive development parameters include his/her concentration, intelligence (IQ) and learning abilities. So, what you should do to help your baby's brain and cognitive development grow-up well and become excellence children?
  • Help your baby concentrate
  • 1. Listen to relaxing music both of you.
    2. Spend quiet time together.
    3. Sit and silently watch your baby
    4. Sit and gently stroke your baby.
  • Stimulate your baby's Intelligence (IQ)
  • 1. Express your Love, Unconditional love creates a strong self-esteem and increased development of brain circuity.
    2. Talk to your baby with a kind voice and a lot of expression, your voice is his/her favorite.
    3. Read books, Even though your baby can't follow the story but He/She loves the pictures and the sound of your voice.
  • Support your baby learn
  • 1. Talk and communicate it will helps stimulate his/her hearing abilities and store information about speech patterns that He/She will use later as He/She learns to speak. This methode also great for his/her developing confidence.
    2. Pick Him or Her up for a cuddle if He/She seems miserable. A settled, secure baby learns faster.
    3. Experience new things by bring Him/Her go out to the park, shops or just for a walk. The change of scene is stimulating for you and your baby.
  • Choose the right nutrition for your baby
  • 1. Babies have very special needs. The first 6 months of life are key to your baby's development and He/She is getting all nutrition from a single source. Help your baby realize all of his/her potential, ask your doctor which formula is best for your baby's mind [intelligence (IQ)], body and health.
    2. A growing up milk can help at every age. 6 to 12 months, your baby is gradually transitioning to solid foods but you want to be sure his/her diet still contains all of the important nutrients. 1 to 3 years, the toddlers eating habits change and many eat less as their growth rate slows. You can make sure your child continues to get excellent nutrion with a growing up milk supplement.

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